lee shore

two pianos

written for Yihan Chen and Maxime Trechsel

lee shore is a piece for two pianos created in collaboration with the Guildhall School of Music and Drama Keyboard Department. I worked with the excellent pianists Yihan Chen and Maxime Trechsel.

It was premiered alongside a performance of Meredith Monk’s Ellis Island for two pianos with accompanying film. I selected a few harmonies from Ellis Island — freeze frames — and arranged them freely. Whispers of Antonello da Caserta's Amour m'a le cuer mis en tel martire also made their way in.

I was thinking about small, gentle gestures, lines, and listening through permeable textures.

If you would like to see the full video of Ellis Island with lee shore played attacca, please get in touch.

Performances29-09-2023: Yihan Chen/Maxime Trechsel, Milton Court Concert Hall (UK)